Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Hobbies and black holes

This version of an Island Mere Hobby should have been done/painted/posted/filed last month, but it went all muddy on me and had to be hosed down and re-painted:  now it's done I think, although I'm still puzzling over whether to paint in a hint of the eye that is in shade.  It will go wrong for sure if I try..
It's a tricky one- usually when I see a Hobby you just don't quite get the eye-ring, but still when you paint a Hobby, things just seem not right until you stick it in.

Here's another from a couple of years ago initially painted as seen (so dark holes where eye should be) but I've recently cracked and dabbed in some detail.  It looks better for it [feet are still too lumpy and prominent but that can be fixed another day].

Here's weird looking Hobby with wrong-shape eyebrow and no eye-ring..

Improved Hobby below with a bit of face detail in roughly the right places.


beast said...

I think a hint of an eye ring...[perhaps just the lower part]...would be good Ed...

ps...you're Hobby paintings are sublime...i go "wow" every time...!

Great stuff as always...all the best...!

ed keeble said...

Cheers beast: a hook of yellow below the shaded eye is probably exactly right. I will have a play on the computer and then take a shot at it.

ed keeble said...

Cheers beast: a hook of yellow below the shaded eye is probably exactly right. I will have a play on the computer and then take a shot at it.

Paschalis Dougalis said...

Fantastic paintings Ed! I wish I had the same luck, I haven`t seen any Hobby since 2006!