Saturday 19 May 2012

patch perfect

Well the coupla meadows I adopted as my patch for this spring have got completely out of hand.  Monster floods have temporarily transformed them into something that would not look out of place in NE Poland.

Early signs were good with a bunch of Greenshank and other spp. organising themselves in a "T" -shape around a Med Gull

Then last week they were so far underwater a Black-necked Grebe was cruising about and giving me the three-fingered salute as I dropped in after work (so only an artist's impression available, painted very rapidly when I got home)
Black-necked Grebe, Suffolk

and now the water has drained off and we are overrun by gorgeous feeding, preening calling Wood Sandpipers:  10 on a little drying flash yesterday, which must be some kind of record

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Wood Sandpiper and Greenshank, Suffolk
and none of this to mention the also-rans: Short-eared Owl, Barn Owl, Marsh Harrier, Hobbies, Turtle Dove singing away

what a splendid week

Thursday 10 May 2012


I had an inkling this Bearded Tit project would go wrong, so took a photo of it at the half-way stage.  This was supposed to be the underpainting.... Since then a coat of creamy paint has gone on top and it just looked horrid, so I've binned the final version and kept this working version as a reminder- you can never stop a painting too soon!