Tuesday 7 February 2012

3D Spoonie

Spoon-billed Sandpiper is a very tempting candidate for the 3D treatment.  This one is produced on the magnificent Sculptris program ( a free download at sculptris) which allows you to push and pull a ball of digi-clay into shape-  you can just see the original ball at the top of this screenshot. 

Then next step on this project was to convert the clay into a zingier material (called thuglee- what a fine name!), hopefully with the balance of blaze and shade reflecting the glorious-but-mysterious character of the bird.

Next steps could be to take the digital head and digitally paint it in Sculptris, texture it with the mighty Z-brush and maybe animate it.  But that's a whole new project for another day.

Meantimes though I couldn't resist firing the digital creation off down the wires to an online 3D printshop:  the two plastic heads shown below have just surfaced in the post and all I've got to do now is decide what to with them. Turning them into salt and pepper pots would seem too obvious.. 


Spoon-billed Sandpiper

More Spoon-billed Sandpiper images here:  edkeeble's smugmug

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brilliant stuff! I am so inspired to get going with this!